・新渡戸の時代にも、米国において中国が反日宣伝をしていたという。しかし、新渡戸は、相手国を悪くいうことはせず、堂々と事実を述べ、日米関係の改善に努めた。(藤井茂・長本裕子『すべての日本人へ 新渡戸稲造の至言』347頁参照)
・‘ It is very hard to be simple enough to be good.’(Ralph Waldo
・‘To talk goodness is not good…only to do it is.’
・‘Goodness reaches further than badness.’
・‘The ieals which have always shone before me and filled me with the joy
of living are goodness, beauty and truth. (真善美)’ (Albert
・‘Secrecy is the element of all goodness; even virtue, even beauty is
mysterious.’ (Thomas Carlyle)
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